What is the apple cider vinegar detox?

Apple Cider

Over the last few years, cleansing diets have been growing steadily in popularity. One example of a detox diet involves using apple cider vinegar — an amber-colored vinegar made from cider or apple must.

Supporters of the apple cider vinegar (ACV) detox say it helps with weight loss, removal of toxins from the body, and blood sugar regulation. Despite many anecdotal success stories, little scientific evidence exists to support these claims.

Read on to discover more about the ACV detox including how to follow the diet and the potential side effects that a person may experience.

Fast facts on the ACV detox:

  • There is not much research to suggest that any type of "cleanse" can detoxify the body.
  • A basic ACV detox involves consuming the vinegar up to three times a day.
  • Trying an ACV detox on a short-term basis is likely safe for most people.

Benefits of an ACV detox

Apple cider vinegar has a number of purported benefits, including aiding weight loss.

Proponents of the ACV diet say that consuming ACV, either daily or as part of a dedicated ACV detox, brings the following benefits:

  • helping with weight loss
  • reducing appetite
  • balancing the body's pH
  • regulating blood sugar levels
  • lowering high cholesterol
  • improving digestion
  • boosting the immune system
  • providing probiotics (good bacteria) to the gut
  • aiding in the removal of toxins
  • healing skin conditions
  • providing enzymes to the body

Some people may undertake an ACV detox to kick-start a healthier lifestyle, complete with a more balanced diet and regular exercise.

Are there any scientific studies?

The body has its own detox systems, including the kidneys and liver, which help it to remove waste products efficiently. Some of the things that people eat and drink can support or interfere with the body's natural detoxification process.

Some of the available research on ACV is detailed below.

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