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Additional Information
Doctor Roumiana Koukkoullis is a highly qualified paediatric neurologist and specialises in the prevention and treatment of the following conditions:
- Pathology associated with infection caused by harmful viruses and bacteria. A newborn child is most susceptible to this kind of infection due to an insufficiently developed immune system.
- Epilepsy. Can be formed either through trauma or congenital.
- Disease associated with severe contusions of the head area, traumatic injuries.
- Toxic pathology. Certain drugs and medications, namely their incorrect prescription and use may provoke such damage to the nervous system.
- Genetic pathology. Transmitted from parents or relatives because of a related heredity.
- Hypoxia, which in turn has been observed in the foetus in utero.
The doctor's consultation includes:
- Checking the child's stable visual reflexes;
- Checking muscle tone and strength levels;
- Identifying the presence of coordination of the baby's movements;
- Verifying the development of speech and memory.
- Determination of the level of sensitivity.
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional tests in the form of:
- Ultrasound of the brain, vessels. Dopplerography.
- MRI scan of the brain.
Doctor Roumiana Koukkoullis graduated in 1982 from the Faculty of Medicine at the Semmelweis Medical School in Budapest, Hungary. She completed her residency in neurology in 1986 and completed her residency in paediatric neurology at the Paediatric Neurosurgery Department of the National Institute of Neurosurgery in Budapest, Hungary in 1991. In 1994 Doctor Roumiana Koukkoullis received a Fulbright Fellowship in Paediatric Epilepsy at Boston Children's Hospital, and in 1996 she completed a course in Clinical Neurophysiology at the Beilinson Hospital in Tel Aviv, Israel, then she continued her studies and in 1997 she completed a Bobath course at the Bobath Centre in London, UK.
From 1992 to 2002, Doctor Roumiana Koukkoullis worked at the Paediatrics and Neurology Clinic at the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, and concurrently she worked at the Paediatric Neurology Clinic at the Red Cross Hospital for Sick Children in Limassol, Cyprus.
Doctor Roumiana Koukkoullis is :
- Member of the Hungarian Epilepsy League
- Member of the International Association of Paediatric